Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ten Tips to Make Your Home Office Work

There are a number of benefits from having a home-based office. It increases efficiency and productivity along with providing an environment for which to spend more time with family.

So, what’s the downside? Having a home office creates the problem of distinguishing between work and home life. It is absolutely vital for your business and family life to be separate from the other.

Here are ten ways you can avoid overworking and never leaving the office.

1. Office space. Create a physical separation of your office from the rest of your house. Don’t put your office in a leisure room, lounge area or kitchen because they can easily distract, not from your work but from your life. A helpful tip would be to put your office in a space that has a separate entrance such as a garage, attic or walkout-basement.

2. Be disciplined. Make a mental note that going to the office means “going to the office”. Dress as if you are going to work, after all, you are.

3. Acknowledgement. Make it clear to your family that the office is for work and ask that they respect the work boundaries.

4. Office hours. One of the simplest ways to avoid overworking is to set office hours and try to complete your work during that time.

5. Comfort zone. Create a space that has a high level of comfort. Get a good desk and chair that will increase your focus on your work and not your back. Don’t forget good lighting.

6. No busy signals. It is important to have a separate phone line for your office. It is also crucial to have a dedicated fax line. This makes it easier for you and your clients. Note: If your budget does not allow for another line, consider online fax options such as eFax.

7. Hardware. Buy a good computer, printer, and fax machine.

8. Meeting place. Avoid meeting new and important clients at your home office. Setup meetings at neutral locations like coffee houses or rent a professional location.

9. Networking. Get out of the office on a regular basis to meet with potential or current clients.

10. Storage space. Regardless of your “paperless” business, plan for storage space for the paperwork you will accumulate during the work process. Utilize an efficient filing system for your financial records and contracts. Note: Keep it simple.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Checklist: User-Friendly Sites

Today we'll go over the some of the things to create a user-friendly website that ensures return visitors.

Usability Checklist
  • Navigation and menu system that is easy to find
  • Good contrast in colors with regard to text, links and background
  • Distinguishable link to your home page
  • Clear description of each page
  • Include "alt" tags on every image
  • Include "title" tags for every link

Navigation and menu system that is easy to find
The majority of sites have one thing in common, a menu system that is at the top left. Most cultures, with the exception of a few, read left to right. The Internet is no different.

Good contrast in colors with regard to text, links and background
Next to navigation placement, choosing an appropriate color scheme is just as important. Think about complimentary schemes and colors that don't "tire" your eyes.

Distinguishable link to your home page
Make it easy for people to get back where they started from any location on your site. This is recommended for two reasons: 1) if a visitor gets lost, they always have a way to start fresh, and 2) make it easy for visitors to bookmark your site.

Clear description of each page
Make sure you have a clear description of your links and the pages they lead to. Remember to use common phrases and terminology. Don't try to be clever or creative with your titles because your visitors will most likely be confused and not know where to go.

Include "alt" tags on every image
This is something that is commonly overlooked and easily remedied. The "alt" tag, which stands for alternate text is used to accomodate the visually impaired that may be visiting your site.

Example: (right-click and view properties)
This is my image

Include "title" tags for every link
The "title" tag, like the "alt" tag works similarily and is just as important. Give a clear description of what the link will do when it is clicked.

Example: (right-click and view properties)

By utilizing these simple tips, you can ensure that your website will be more user-friendly.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Six Ways to Turn Your Business Into A Success

Six definite and practical steps to attain online success.

Step One: Fix your mind on your determination of success for your business. It isn't enough to merely state "I want my web design business to thrive." Be definite about what would make your business successful.

Step Two: Determine what you intend to give in returrn for success. In web design it can mean anything, time or money for example. There is no such thing, in business, as "something for nothing".

Step Three: Set a definite date for carrying out your intentions. Be realistic.

Step Four: Devise a plan that will assist you in reaching your timeline and begin at once. Ready or not, put this plan into action as soon as possible.

Step Five: Develop a clear and concise statement summarizing your plans to reach success. This statement should include your specific definition of success for your business (this could be money, clients, niches, etc.), the time limit, your investment, and finally, how you intend to get there.

Step Six: Read your written statement out loud at least twice a day, once before you go to sleep and again when you wake up. While you read, visualize yourself in that position of success.