Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Six Ways to Turn Your Business Into A Success

Six definite and practical steps to attain online success.

Step One: Fix your mind on your determination of success for your business. It isn't enough to merely state "I want my web design business to thrive." Be definite about what would make your business successful.

Step Two: Determine what you intend to give in returrn for success. In web design it can mean anything, time or money for example. There is no such thing, in business, as "something for nothing".

Step Three: Set a definite date for carrying out your intentions. Be realistic.

Step Four: Devise a plan that will assist you in reaching your timeline and begin at once. Ready or not, put this plan into action as soon as possible.

Step Five: Develop a clear and concise statement summarizing your plans to reach success. This statement should include your specific definition of success for your business (this could be money, clients, niches, etc.), the time limit, your investment, and finally, how you intend to get there.

Step Six: Read your written statement out loud at least twice a day, once before you go to sleep and again when you wake up. While you read, visualize yourself in that position of success.


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