Monday, March 13, 2006

Forget About How Much You Make and Focus On What You Keep

People always talk about how much they make, either annual salary or commission. In America, we view successful people as those who make a lot of money. The more you make, the more successful you are. Well, we're missing the point.

The income these people bring in does not tell an accurate story of their success. There are numerous people in America making a six figure income. It's important to remember though, that success is not determined by how much one makes, but by how much you keep. You can make $30,000 a year and if you keep $15,000, you are wealthier than someone making $300,000 and spending $305,000. What you keep determines your success.

It's quite common to find these high income earners overextending themselves financially. They are targeted by financial and credit institutions because, statistically, they are more likely to spend more money than lower income earners. As a result, these people often declare bankruptcy and/or lose everything.

So, whatever income spectrum you may be in, focus on this: your success is determined by how much you keep, not how much you make.

What are your thoughts about how income determines success in America? Do you keep more than you spend? I'd love to hear what you think.


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