Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University

I am so excited about this. We recently went through the FPU course, which consists of 2 hour classes, once a week, for 13 weeks, and finally made sense of our finances. Heck, not only did we make sense of our money, we're actually in control of it. And that is an awesome feeling.

Yesterday, I met with a lady from our church about ministry possibilities and couldn't stop talking about Dave Ramsey and his material. I talked about his radio show, The Total Money Makeover book, envelope system, and, of course, Financial Peace University. She got really excited about the possibility of introducing Ramsey's material at our church and asked me if i'd be interested in getting that going. To that, I gave her an emphatic yes!

Shortly after arriving home, I opened up Outlook to check my email. Lo and behold, there was an email waiting for me about FPU. I have a meeting scheduled for next Tuesday to discuss it and I am hopeful that the church will support the program. There is definitely a need and, although I'm no financial expert, my story can help others make sense of their money.

Our current financial course at church only scratches the surface and has no follow-up and no accountability. FPU is the perfect fit.

I had my meeting and it went extremely well. We have decided to start a small FPU session, consisting of 10 to 15 people, and launch it to the congregation in the Fall. This initial group will consist of those individuals or couples interested in leading small groups later on.

I can't tell you how excited Matt and I are about this. FPU has been such a crucial aspect of our financial journey that we tell everybody about it. We first got started with the Total Money Makeover and were lead to FPU. I bought the Starter Special (the Total Money Makeover book, the Financial Peace Revisited book, Dumping Debt-DVD, Cashflow Planning-DVD, and Financial Peace Software) for my parents, brother and his girlfriend, and my sister and her husband. Why? Because we believe in the program and what it teaches.


Blogger DEBTective said...

Dollface, just wanted to say that I'm big-time proud of you for getting on board with Dave Ramsey's plan. It makes tons of sense, doesn't it? Thanks for spreading the word about Dave and good luck on deep-sixing your debt, baby!

10:31 AM  

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